Instructions for Burning - North District
Burning is controlled primarily by two air quality districts – Make sure to complete the right one! Typically, Graton Fire only responds when there is a fire danger, such as an out of control or unattended burn, or when CAL FIRE/County Fire Marshal bans burning.
General Info
The Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District (Northern Sonoma) – NORTH
State Responsibility Areas (SRA) are also controlled by CAL FIRE
Burn Season/Residential Burn Ban
Day of Burning
General Info
- Permits are required for all fire except cooking, religious, and campfires
- The burn pile must always be attended
- There must be a water source (e.g., extinguisher, garden hose, buckets)
- The area 10 feet around and above the burn piles must be clear of vegetation
- No accelerants may be used to start the burn pile
- Only clean vegetation (e.g., branches, trunks, stumps) from the property of the burn is allowed
The Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District (Northern Sonoma) – NORTH
- Northern Sonoma allows for traditional backyard burning as well as commercial agricultural burns.
- The permit may be done by mail, online, or in-person at its Healdsburg office for payment and approval. An approved permit for the season is returned by mail or provided when applying in-person (if online, an email copy can be requested). Permit must be in-hand before burning. It is good for the season.
- Burn hours are 10am-4pm (Oct-Apr) and 6am-12pm (May-Sep)
- Pile size maximum is 4’ diameter for residential, any size for commercial
- and 433-5911 for more info
- Apply for a permit at
State Responsibility Areas (SRA) are also controlled by CAL FIRE
- Between May 1st and the end of the burning season, CAL FIRE requires an additional permit (no fee, but piles larger than 4’x4’ require an inspection).
- CAL FIRE permits are available at their fire stations and
- Call 874-3668 (Occidental Station, seasonal) or 576-2001 (Santa Rosa Station, year-round) to confirm if you are in SRA and make an appointment, if needed.
Burn Season/Residential Burn Ban
- Once the fire danger is too great, the Sonoma County Fire Marshal and CAL FIRE will ban all residential burning. This can happen as early as May 1st depending on the weather but is typically extended 30-45 days. It reopens after 2” of rain (we will get a notice from CAL FIRE/County Fire Marshal).
- Even during the burn ban, the Sonoma County Agricultural Commissioner can issue a burn permit. These are typically for commercial operations and require significant safeties (water trucks, dozers, safety lines, etc.)
Day of Burning
- With the completed permits in-hand, there are 3 phone calls that must be made
- Confirm it is a burn day at 565-2876 (BURN). NOTE: just because the recording says it is a burn day, does not mean backyard burning is allowed... Air Quality does not know if the Sonoma County Fire Marshal Burn Ban is in effect due to fire danger
- Notify REDCOM County dispatch at 565-1700 using the burn line
- Notify Graton Fire at 823-8400 x105. The voicemail is changed when the ban is in effect